How Stories Spark Success

It’s time to be a little vulnerable. My husband always says there is “work Amy” and “the real Amy.” It’s not that I’m not genuine. I am. I build great relationships professionally and personally. His point is that I’m all business at work and don’t share enough of the Amy he knows.

Why am I sharing this with you?

There is a lot of talk in the marketing world about your unique selling proposition. I spent hours and lots of time stressed over finding one. Turns out I had one all along. 


The problem is that I’m not sharing enough of my story. I guess I just think it’s not interesting. I’m just a girl who wants to be her own boss. That way of thinking couldn’t be further from the truth.

Stories Connect People

My husband and I love to travel. In the past 11 years, we’ve visited more than 40 countries. We seek local, small businesses such as bed and breakfast accommodations when possible. 

Want to have unforgettable vacations? Ask the locals where they go to eat or have fun. Not only will you get their recommendations, you’ll get their stories. Referrals come from people telling others their stories. 

Immersion is essential for our travels. We’re not just going down the list of things to do. We’re interested in the stories. 

  • What’s the history of the bed and breakfast?
  • How did the innkeepers get started?
  • Why is the restaurant they recommend their favorite?

There are places we go back to repeatedly, not because they are the fanciest or highest rated. It’s because we know their story, and they know ours. We’ve made a connection.

What Story Are You Telling?

Almost every website has an About page. Too often, they are a rundown of familiar statistics.

  • Years in business
  • Number of customers served
  • Mission statements

While these are great credibility builders, do they allow you to connect?

Case Study:

I once had a client who needed copy for their boutique website. This client’s touching personal story led them to create this business. She was proud of her story and wanted people to know it’s the driving force behind every part of her business. 

Her story became the thread that connected every page of her website. We didn’t shy away from it. We highlighted it. 

The story supports her mission, products, and charity support. She doesn’t just sell things. She connects by sharing a struggle that brought her to where she is today. It’s essential to note that she opens the door to building a relationship before purchasing.

The point is simply this. Your story is your unique selling proposition. There are plenty of businesses offering the same products and services as you. Many offer the same guarantee and service level. 

Your unique selling proposition isn’t a word or phrase. It’s showing your business and yourself in the stories you tell. There are millions of choices in the marketplace, but only one you.

Freelance Copy, Content, and Ghostwriter in Orlando, FL

Transactional vs. Relational Marketing

The traditional idea of marketing advocates for an exchange of goods and services. If you run a business, you need transactions to stay in business. Yet, studies have shown that people purchase more often from companies aligned with their values and emotions.

Transactional Marketing

Most marketing is geared toward the idea of problem and solution. The customer has a need. Your business has the answer. This is transactional marketing. Its focus is on the product or service rather than the experience and emotional needs of the customer.

Transactional marketing does serve a purpose in business. Generating income is essential to staying in business. Enticing potential customers to make a purchase is the ultimate goal.

Relational Marketing

Relational marketing goes a step further. This type of marketing focuses on building relationships based on trust, loyalty, and shared values. We often think of this as loyalty programs or special offers for customers. While those are great for building loyalty, a transaction typically happens before the relationship-building process begins.

What if you flipped your marketing to build relationships first? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Create a short video to welcome someone to your website
  • Offer something for free (no strings attached)
  • Personalize your communication when possible
  • Share your stories
  • Invite them to join your community

Sharing stories humanizes your business. You’re no longer just someone trying to get me to hand over my hard-earned dollars. There’s something in your story that I can connect with and build upon to become a customer.

Case Study:

My son is an auto mechanic. From an early age, he was fascinated with disassembling things apart and putting them back together. He has customers who drive an hour to bring their cars to him. 

Are there other shops that are closer to the customer? Yes
Is he the cheapest place? No
Has he been in business the longest? No

They come to him because he has built a relationship. Getting to know people on a first-name basis is important to him. Sharing funny stories about his career and himself is what he’s known for. That’s the narrative he is known for. He does good work at a fair price while making you feel like family.

Your Story Matters

No one wants to feel like a number on a sales report. People want to know that they are seen, understood, and valued. They want to know that your business values align with theirs and that you understand their emotions. 

You may not think your story is important. I assure you it is. Stories are the pulse of human connection. Be proud of your story. It’s the only thing that is truly unique about any of us.

Your stories matter, and I’m passionate about helping you bring them to life. Let’s dive into your story together during a complimentary Discovery Call. It’s an opportunity to connect, explore, and uncover the best way to bring your story to life.

About Me

I’m an author, ghostwriter, and copy and content writer dedicated to helping small businesses get found, get talking, and get results. When I’m not writing, you can find me in the kitchen creating delicious treats or exploring new destinations around the world.